REVIEW of Maestra by L. S. Hilton
So, I read this book a while ago. And it's still having an impact on me. EVEN NOW. Because I liked this book so much and because I'm buzzing for the sequel Domina which comes out this year, here are my reasons to read Maestra by L. S. Hilton:
1. This book gets my vote for the most enjoyable and most awkward book to read on the tube EVER.
Take this however you like. But I've never had such an awkward experience on the tube in my life. A combination of paranoia on my part and wandering eyes made this THE book NOT to commute with - unless you're lucky enough to bag your own couple of seats, then read away!
2. Despite it's sauciness, it's not tacky.
I think we can all think of a tacky book about sex...
Need I say more?
But this book is anything but that. It's honest and dirty and raw. It doesn't make everything flowery and perfect. It's almost brutal in how raw it sounds. Want to read porn? Then stick to stuff like this.
3. The main character is a badass female who fucks and kills who she wants
I once said that someone should write the female James Bond equivalent and this is basically it. Except without the good guys. Julia is a great character and one we all love to hate. We all secretly want to be as cool-as-a-cucumber and as sexy as she is, but maybe without the murder and the complicated art terms.
4. On Amazon its subtitle is The Most Shocking Thriller You'll Read This Year and it does not lie. Fuck me. This book is shocking.
A seemingly normal girl. Losing a job. Goes on holiday with a friend. The first part of the book seems to give off the vibe that this is going to be a teen level romantic comedy book with a wee bit of drugs potentially thrown in. But oh no.
Enter: escorts, sex, slipping-something-into-a-guy's-drink, sex, yachts, sex, money, sex, bridges, sex, Paris, sex. These aren't spoilers. But yeah, you get the gist.
But it's shocking for all the right reasons. And though I don't agree that it should be considered shocking that a woman is capable of doing these things, I'm glad the idea of a woman being capable of these things is being published and discussed. No more damsel in distress. Hello kinky murderesses.
5. Raunchiness aside, L S Hilton is a fantastic writer.
And her knowledge of Art and the Art trade is astounding.
If you haven't read this book yet I'd definitely recommend, though be warned: read on the tube at your own peril.
Domina publishes 6th April 2017 and you can pre-order your copy here.